Children's Ministries & Sunday School
We offer Sunday School at 10:00 am on Sunday mornings. Sunday School is ideal for children aged 4-12 years of age.
As a reminder, Sunday School starts following the Children’s Focus and children return to their parents/guardians in time for Communion. Children, of course, are more than welcome to stay with their parents/guardians in church ~ we love the the sound of children in church!
All Saints Baptisms & Pumpkin Party Photos
Knights of the North Castle (May - August 2022)
Sunday School via Zoom (January - June 2021)
Our Nursery Facility (currently closed)
Many parents ask why they need to complete a registration form for their children every Sunday school year. If your child is not registered it does not mean they cannot attend Sunday school. Every child is welcome to attend. If a child is going to be attending Sunday school a registration form is required for us to have permission for certain activities. It is also used for things such as budget planning, program and space planning, Vestry and we are required to report to the Anglican diocese certain information about Sunday school every year. These registration forms make it easier for us to accomplish these tasks.
Parents please ensure that you have completed Sunday school registration for your children.
This registration must be completed every year and the release signed.