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Baptism 2.All Saints 2013.jpg


We are so pleased you are seeking Baptism for yourself or your child! We are committed to helping you prepare for the Sacrament of Baptism which marks the beginning of a deep and meaningful life-long relationship with Jesus Christ.


If you seek Baptism for your child, you are responding to that wonderful parental instinct to want what is best for your child by introducing your child to God’s love, care, plan and purpose for their life.  At Christ Church we understand Baptism to be a significant Christian commitment celebrated with the entire parish community in the context of regular Sunday worship. 


The Baptism of your child is your promise, supported by your family, friends and the entire congregation, based on your faith and membership in the church, to raise your child to be a faithful follower of Jesus Christ. 


We include the parents intimately in our Baptism preparation process because:


1. We want to help you be ready to wholeheartedly make this promise on behalf of your child before God and the congregation.

2. We want to equip you to be able to answer your child’s spiritual questions when they arise.

3. We believe that faith development begins at home and we intend to nurture this development of your Christian life together.



Steps Toward Baptism

Like any journey of great significance, the road to Baptism takes time. Practically speaking, you will want to plan ahead for the following steps to unfold:


Start the Conversation

A great first step is to book an appointment to meet with our Incumbent to have a conversation about Baptism. He looks forward to talking with you.


Find a Rhythm of Worship

Joining our wider community for weekly worship will give you a clearer sense of whether you would like to be a part of our church family, be strengthened and encouraged in your faith, and be better equipped to teach your child about following Jesus. Our experience and expectation is that worshipping with us regularly helps form a solid basis for the promises you will make at Baptism. Click here to see which of our worship services might work best for your family’s rhythm.


Participate in our Christianity 101 Course

We want you to be confident about the promises you will make. Our four-week Christianity 101 course which focuses on the basics of the Christian faith in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere is offered several times a year –  and don’t worry, you can’t fail the course!  You can find out more about the course and when it is next offered by contacting our Incumbent for further details.


Baptism Preparation

Immediately following Christianity 101, two final sessions focus on the meaning of baptism and the integral role of Christian parenting in the life of your child.


Be Presented to the Congregation

It is expected that you will be present in worship among us.


Rehearse your Vows

Generally held the Saturday prior to the baptism, our rehearsal will give you a clearer sense of what to expect on the day of, and is a great chance to ask any remaining questions. This session is essential for the immediate family, and sponsors or godparents are strongly urged to attend.

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