The Courier Newsletter
The Courier is our parish newsletter, published four times a year (Lent, Pentecost, Harvest and Advent Sundays). Printed copies are available at the church. We also release via email - if you are not already on our electronic distribution list, contact us at (Help us save paper!) AND OF COURSE THEY WILL ALWAYS BE HERE, ON OUR WEBSITE.
Please note that this publication is free. We are staffed by volunteers and printing costs are paid out of General givings as part of the annual budget.
Advent Courier
December 2016
Harvest Courier
October 2016
Pentecost Courier
May 2016
Lent Courier
February 2016
Courier Contributions
We print general items submitted from members of the congregation. These items are welcomed and will be used as space and relevance allows. If you feel a calling to do this, please do not hesitate to submit it. We would also like to see more group updates from around the Parish. In a given year, references to many groups are only made in the annual Vestry Report. Some groups only appear in the bulletin once in a while when they are organizing an event. Please reflect on your group’s ability to add one or two items a year to The Courier. It would be even better if you could submit information for all four editions in a year so we can all keep up to date on the various groups available to us in our Parish.
Do you have a favourite quotation of a religious or spiritual nature? If you would like to see it in The Courier, please send it to us. Please be sure to quote the source.
Editor: Jeffrey White
Staff: Janet Smith
The Courier Schedule
There are four editions of The Courier published every year. Due to the publishing dates being tied to four major church events, the exact publishing dates move every year.
If you have any doubt about the publishing dates or submission deadlines, please use the following as a guide:

Courier Volunteer Opportunities
In order to make the Courier an engaging publication, a team is required to gather all the information, edit the content, storyboard the edition and publish the periodical. In addition to the publishing I have also had to play the role of Editor (over two years) and Writer (as needed, excluding the People Profiles). This is too much work for a single person, but not for a team.
At this time, I need to train a Publishing Assistant to do that role.
In general, you need to be a self-starter as there will not be a boss
reminding anyone to do work on the Courier. If you feel that you have
the skills required then please talk to me on a Sunday, or email me so
that we can discuss your qualifications.
Publishing Assistant: The role would be to learn how to build
and print the periodical. They would also do some of the early layout
and placement of articles within each edition and would look
for appropriate filler images (hopefully copyright free) to lend an air of
professionalism to the articles. Main tools used are Gmail, MS Word
and a photo application (my current favourite is Paint.Net).
This role is open to discussion about how you see your gifts helping
to fill the need. The other value in changing and increasing the team
is to bring in new ideas for the publication. I have tried changing
things over the years (flow, format, font, layout, etc.), but fresh people
mean fresh ideas. !