Worship Times
We offer Lectio Divina (Divine Reading) on Friday mornings. In the video, The Rev. Michelle Jones provides a brief introduction and invitation. Why not give it a try?
Click here to join Friday morning @ 10:00 am
Restarts September 24
Click the link. When you are prompted:
Join the Zoom meeting
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You will be placed in the “Waiting Room” until we begin
A simple but comprehensive practice of praying the scripture that leads gradually but steadily from the mind to the heart. Each week we will focus on a fragment of scripture from the upcoming Sunday in a guided prayer exercise that deepens your understanding of God's love for you or may provide insight into a difficult situation. As this is a prayer practice rather than a course, you may join at any time and there is no issue about missing a week or two ~ it's that easy.
Lectio Divina is offered on Friday mornings.
Fridays @ 10:00 am lasting approximately 30-45 minutes; click the link above to join by Zoom
In the comfort of your own home. We suggest that you select a quiet spot where you will be undisturbed. Have your bible handy and perhaps a candle to help your focus.
The prayers sessions will be offered via Zoom. Participants can join the sessions either by audio/video from their devices or by simply calling in. Contact The Rev. Michelle Jones for a Zoom invitation and/or any questions. Michelle can be reached by phone @ 416-418-3912 or by email @ curate.christchurchbrampton@gmail.com